Here is a recent swap creation, our 'theme' was birds or butterflies. I knew time would be limited, so I tried not to get too complex. I mounted this set, A Little Birdie Told Me that's been hanging around my room neglected for FAR too long! It's an adorable set, and I knew it would be perfect for the paper-piecing technique with Prints Designer Series Paper. I chose the Saffron color as it had a nice springy feel.

I'm trying hard not to whine about not having time to stamp, so let me just say posting will continue to be sparse as we head into summer around here. With baseball (4 nights a week), vacations, family, work, yard, garden, ..... you get the picture!! I know others out there are probably much busier, but it just all gets to me! I have cut, or will be, my hours at work a tad so hopefully I can keep my head above water!
Hope Spring has been good to you all! It's very pretty here in Nebraska right now-VERY green! We've been blessed with plenty of rain so far, maybe too much if you ask the farmers who are trying to get corn in. Ours got finished last Tuesday-Yeah! Take Care!!
Very the pattern on the bird! I'll have to try that...
Wasn't today gorgeous??!! A perfect Spring day...hope you have a great weekend! :D
Beautiful card Jen! I'm sure that your fellow swappers will enjoy it!
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