Next up is For a Friend, a current Level 1 Hostess set in the SU! catalog.

I tend to not use these hostess sets much, they aren't around long enough! but I know many of you out there would LOVE to have it! Leave a comment before 1 pm (Central Time) Tuesday, March 25 and it can be yours! For this one, tell me something (anything) about Spring. I'm very ready for it, and we're just starting to see a few signs that it might be arriving. I checked tonight, and my tulips are just peaking out of the ground! Has it arrived at your house yet??
Thanks all. I will still be back with the Thank you card I'm working on. I had a sick boy this week and it got me all off track. For some reason I chose to clean while home with him instead of stamping. Guess the thought of those germs getting one of the rest of us made me do it!
Have a good Easter weekend!!
Hi there! I'll go first!
I love spring gardening but every time I go out there to clean up, it starts to snow (seriously!). My son (4) is quite the gardener so we have at least started all our seeds in the house. He gets delighted every morning when more pop up (as do I!)...
I would love this set.
As for Spring, my favorite thing are the smells as everything starts coming back to life after the snow melts and the temperature starts rising. Reminds me of old times having fun in the sun!
I love spring because winter is almost done and the flowers start popping thru the dirt. We have a gardening club in our neighborhood---we take care of the entrances to our subdivision. So far, most of the flowers have come out of different yards---this year a lot of bulbs will be coming up.
Happy Spring!!
Thanks for the chance to win this set! My crocuses are coming out of the ground and a few have bloomed - they're so pretty. Unfortunately, we also got about an inch or two of snow today, so I'm not sure what to think. Hopefully Spring is right around the corner!!
Kerry Morgan
Spring is the best. I live in California and it has arrived in full force here. I just love seeing all the trees leaf out again. Everything looks so clean.
I love spring because I don't have to wear socks! I love sandals. We are expecting snow tomorrow, so I guess my sandals will stay in my closet a little longer.
I love Spring for the fresh flowers growing from the ground, fresh cut grass, fresh fruit, fresh air, longer days of light....ANYTHING but cold weather!
I have daffodils in a pot that are all in bloom and my tulips are about six inches high or so...not blooms yet, but it's so exciting! I love seeing the daffodils all around town...they're my favorite part of spring!
I love feeling the warmer air and the thunderstorms, as well as everything greening up!
I love being able to open the windows and letting the spring breezes flow through the house. Something about the spring air revigorates me.
Thanks for a chance to win, would love to have this set.
When the snow melts, my dog starts peeing in my flower gardens but not only does she pee, she digs my bulbs up and buryies them elsewhere. Every spring its like an egg hunt looking for the new spots my spring flowers come up in.
Thanks for sharing. It is so hard to even get a level 1 hostees set in my area. People are just not into stamping like I am. I would own the whole catalog if I could afford it.
Spring has arrived in Kentucky! My ornamental pear tress are full of buds. They will be full of blooms in a few days. I have daffadils blooming and my iris are up. I love spring, it is so full of new life. This is my favorite time of the year. Mary
For me spring means my dogs can come and go out of the yard as they please. Warm weather means my back door is always open. Right now, my door is open, birds are chirping and my dog is laying in the doorway! LOVE IT!
I love spring!! It is in full force here in the Carolina's. I cut a bunch of dafodils yesterday and they look so springy sitting on my table. We are going to be doing some yardwork today and getting ready to start working on the garden!!
Spring is here in NC - cool mornings and beautiful warm afternoons. Unfortunately, there won't be new planting due to the drought.
Diane S
I can't wait for spring, it's still snowing here! I love the sound of the birds singing in the early morning and the smell of spring, the fresh air, the blossoms on the trees and cut grass.
Love this set!
Spring is trying to was pretty warm a few weeks ago and we had some gorgeous flowering trees!!
Just snowing here right now...... I DO have tulip leaves peeking out and was so terribly happy when I saw them! I know other people already have tons of stuff blooming, but no such luck at 7500 feet altitude! I saw that my yarrow is making new leaves and cut off the old stems, oh the aroma is divine! I have this set and love it but if I win I will give it to a good friend of mine :)
Ahh Spring, When the trees start budding and the birds start singing and my flower garden is waiting to be dug in.
My favorite part of this time of year is celebrating Easter. It's amazing what Jesus did for us and just thinking about it and thanking Him is a wonderful part of this season.
Happy Easter.
Spring is definitely in our house. Last monday me and my mom followed a course to make an Easterdecoration with flowers. You can see mine on my blog.
It's pretty cold here but spring is in the air. You can tell because Home Depot and Lowes are packed with people ready to fertilize their yards and do some sprucing up inside too. Of course, I know how crowded these stores are because I'm one of them. I'm just itching to get outside. Thanks for the chance at some great blog candy.
I know what you mean about cleaning when someone is sick in the house. It always motivates me, too!
Spring! Well. The snow is slowly melting here in southern Wisconsin, which is a good sign. And I saw a robin the other day. And the temperature is 42! Those are good signs to me!
'Love this stamp set...thanks for the chance to win!!
I just love spring...can hardly wait to order my garden seeds, open all the windows, hang the bedding out on the line, and enjoy the warm sun! Sadly, there are no tulips peeking out here...we just had another snowstorm last night! Enjoy them!
Blessings to you this Easter!
~Brenda H.
The first sign of spring I love to see is when the tulips come out!
Unfortunately it won't be for a while here!! But sooner or later it'll come around!
Thanks for the chance at this beautiful set!!!
I love being able to open my windows and enjoy the fresh breeze and the sound of the birds. I love watching my cat dash for the window sill when she hears those birds and listening to her chatter right back--as though she is convinced they will be hers!
Thanks for sharing the great blog candy!
I just love spring. I love the weather. It's warm but still a nice breeze. The only thing I don't like about it is spring allergies (Achoo! I have them badly right now)-Samantha
Yes I have tulips and daffodils just pushing up and there are lots of green shoots in the garden from other plants which the rabbits are enjoying tremendously. I sweat they delay everything blooming with their constant nibbling. But they're cute too. Happy Easter and would love to win that stamp set!
Mary Puskar
Hello! I LOVE that stamp set!!! Well, with 8 inches of snow yesterday, it seems that spring will never get here. So today, I set up my mini greenhouse (in the house) and planted all my tomato, cabbage, pepper, and flower seeds. So now they will be all set in a few weeks when I hope spring will be here and I can plant my garden. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
I just love this set, thanks for offering it! Spring means that my baby will soon be here - due 6/2! And hopefully the rain is gone for the season and it will nothing buy sunny days ahead.
I am in awe & wondering why I never noticed it in the catty before! Anyways, being from AZ; I have to say this about the only time of the yaer everything is soooo green & the weather is PERFECT! Happy Easter!
Spring, here in Arizona, means pool season! We get to walk outside and into the pool. Hey, it's our perk for the 118 degree heat. :O)
The flowers (especially tulips and daffodils:) are what I love most about Spring. Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize - I'll find out if I was lucky next weekend when I return from vacation.
Tulips - I love tulips. Mine are covered with wet heavy snow right now but I still love them!
Spring around here means lots of budding flowers and they're already starting. YEAH!!!
I am so ready for spring, it is my favorite season!!!
I love the flowers, birds ( we have at least 3 couples making nests right now) and also (after my DD gets well, she is really sick now) I am going to have a garden!!!! Yahoo!!! I am so excited, I love gardening.
God bless you and great blog candy.
I just plain love spring!!! I love the tulips and daffodils poking thru the soil! I too am soooo ready for it to REALLY GET HERE!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the great blog candy- I would love to be able to create with that stamp set! :) I am very excited for spring because it means flowers blooming, green grass, walks outside, swimming, and playing at the park with my son.
well, we went fishing for catfish in the Blue River outside of Dorchester yesterday, so that was a very Springy adventure! lots of nice, slippery mud and Joe almost went in the river! i found tiny plants coming up to photograph. there were lots of birds around, so it was nice and noisy, not quiet like winter.
Wish I could tell you that my spring flowers are coming up, but alas, they are not, sniff, sniff...
I love spring, it is soo nice to see some colours outside again, and all the beautiful flowers are coming up. Can't wait. Anyways thank you for a chance at winning the great blog candy.
I love it when spring's here - everything is green and blooming. Thanks for the chance to win.
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